Correct storage
When storing vaccines, you want correct and stable temperatures in cabinets optimised for this exact purpose. It is not uncommon to see temperature critical items, such as vaccines and medicine stored in domestic appliances that are designed to meet a completely different set of criteria and compliance requirements. Vaccines stored incorrectly, can potentially lead to reduced potency and lower the efficacy and protection they are supposed to provide.
Temperature is crucial
Therefore, it is crucial that the storage temperature meets the requirements outlined by the manufacturer of the vaccine. Across the globe companies are working to secure cold-chain logistics for the COVID-19 vaccine proliferation – we at Gram Bioline are proudly taking an active part in this and our products has shown its worth during the pandemic.
We of course secure safety; besides full set of documentation, all Gram Bioline products come with 24-hour Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), securing the products are operating and performing according to specifications.