In 2006, Gram BioLine was founded by Gram Commercial, which has been known for ist professional quality cooling solutions for decades. Our products are characterised above all by their high reliability. With its uniquely designed products Gram BioLine caters to applications where specifications for temperature sensitive items are at their highest.
Controlled biostorage
In the competitive commercial world of bioscience, there can be huge investments riding on the speed, dependability and success of research work, R&D and biomedical breakthroughs. Therefore, we understand that the controlled preservation of biomaterials is an intense focus. In both commercial bioscience and scientific research, the window of opportunity can be exceedingly limited and development time frames under heavy scrutiny. Since such biomaterial is often in short supply and its procurement and development is an expensive undertaking, you must be able to rely on your storage facilities at all times.
Our high-performance refrigerators and freezers are therefore essential to keeping this sensitive material within meticulously controlled storage parameters.
From better to best
Gram BioLine has therefore applied all its vast range of refrigeration and freezer know-how to providing the ultimate in meticulously controlled, highly dependable biostorage.
We design the Gram BioLine range with all the mission-critical components and systems to exceptional specifications, and with every detail super-optimised to tackle the exceptional demands of discerning bioscience customers.
We focus on making Gram BioLine cabinets and systems supremely reliable, so you can be sure of keeping delicate, high-value bioscience materials under perfect conditions at all times, with a minimum of effort or concern.